encounters with God in the world's great art
Sample Invocation
Michelangelo: The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel ceiling
(This image is projected onto a screen as the speaker delivers the accompanying text)
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Speaker: But what happens next is that God touches Adam, and Adam comes truly alive – as an eternal being created in the very image of God. After this touch, man and God have an intimate relationship, and walk together through the garden in the cool of the day.
As we gather to worship today, we’ve experienced the pain of separation from God, and we come here to try to resurrect that relationship we once had with Him. As we invoke His name, we seek to return to this moment, when we will encounter God in a powerful way and be made truly alive from that encounter.
So it’s important to recognize these hands. One of them is God’s. And the other one is yours.
Will you pray with me?
(The speaker may lead the congregation in the following prayer, or the prayer may optionally be spoken by the leader and congregation together. In the case of a congregational prayer, the prayer may be projected onto the screen with the art. )
Speaker/Congregation: Oh, God, forgive us. We have lived our lives without You and have become too casual about the treasure of communion with You. We come here today seeking to re-establish that relationship. Come to us, we pray – touch us – and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Allow us once again to walk with You in the garden in the cool of the day.